Silo Mentality

When I was at the Bank there was lots of accusations of teams working in a Silo Mentality (I.e. Only interested in their job and bugger everybody else). Having escaped the bank I was stuck in a Silo Mentality of a different type.

There is a Painted Silo Trail in western Victoria. The grain silos have been painted by various street artists and it is a bit of a hit with lots of people doing the trail. It starts at Rupanyup and finishes at Patchewollock (There’s one at Nullawil that was just too much of a detour for us). Now being Australia there was 20 to 50 kms between each which leaves you 200 kms away from your home base so a couple of hours drive just to get home. ?

Our journey actually started at Murtoa and its now famous Stick Shed. Built during the Second World War as an emergency grain storage depot. It covers four acres with a corrugated iron roof held up by Mountain Ash trunks harvested from around Healesville and Warburton. It took 3 months to build, 3 months to fill and was still in use until 1980 then sat idle and in decay when it was finally opened as a tourist attraction only recently (after much bureaucratic adventures). It is quite an architectural wonder.

Nana inside the Stick Shed
Nana outside the Stick Shed
Nana and a Glum Dude
A business opportunity for Cam
Rupanyup Silo
Sheep Hills Silo
Brim Silo
Rosebery Silo
Lascelles Silo
Patchewollock Silo
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