I Want You

Tess has admonished me for not posting enough pictures of the dogs. So here is a short video of Maggie and Harry. To make our lives easier Maggies has been on heat since we started our trip. ? She is now at the stage of wanting some loving. Harry...

Mad Hattah

We have questioned our sanity a number of time on this trip already. So yesterday, to escape the madness, Nina and Emily got their nails done while I stayed at the van with Nana. Mum asked if I would drive her back home to Melbourne. From which sprang an...

Nightlife In Mildura

So you think this is a post about cute nocturnal animals… spoiler alert. Sorry no cute animals in this post. This is my first post on the blog and I know Ross said in our first post why would two purportedly sane adults do what we are doing. Go...

Is This Supposed To Be Fun

Today in Mildura was hot with a dusty, blustery wind. Not conducive to doing very much so we just pottered about the van. I did some odd jobs that needed doing on the van. Nina got a little bit of crocheting done. Emily rested. Nana did a bit of...


Finally I can bring you all up to date. We left Dimboola and headed to Mildura. A stop at Hopetoun by their lovely Lake Lascelles for lunch, the pies and salad rolls from the bakery where great.? We where off again but a short time later we started having...

Little Desert Lots of Fun

Being in Dimboola we were right next to the Little Desert. So one afternoon we took an expedition into the National Park. Emily with her L’s on was driving the Amarok. We drove a track that followed the Wimmera River which was firm gravel. We then turned onto a...

Silo Mentality

When I was at the Bank there was lots of accusations of teams working in a Silo Mentality (I.e. Only interested in their job and bugger everybody else). Having escaped the bank I was stuck in a Silo Mentality of a different type. There is a Painted Silo Trail...

The Pinnacles

I’m trying to catch up on posts. Which either means I have been too busy or too lazy, I will let you decide. This is from the 27th September. Seven years ago we went to the Grampians with my mum and dad to celebrate Ally’s 18th birthday. Whilst there...

We Love Dimboola

After Beaufort we moved on to Dimboola. We love this town. It’s not just that it’s beautifully tidy. It’s not just that the bakery does great pies and pasties. It’s not just that the people are really friendly. It’s just got that “je ne sais quoi”. The caravan park...

Beaufort to Nanageddon

Dementia is a terrible disease. It affects the person in so many ways. It’s not just about forgetting things it is the brain slowly shutting down and leaving only the important functions operating, you know like breathing. Because mum has been out of routine and familiar places it has...