Mad Hattah

We have questioned our sanity a number of time on this trip already. So yesterday, to escape the madness, Nina and Emily got their nails done while I stayed at the van with Nana.

Mum asked if I would drive her back home to Melbourne. From which sprang an open, honest and fruitful discussion about what was going on in the trip. Well when I say ‘discussion’ I actually mean me pointing out in no uncertain terms what was happening and what her alternatives were.

To start with. “You have Alzheimer’s”. “No I don’t. I want a doctors opinion”. Show her video of her discussing Alzheimer’s with her doctor. “That’s someone you made say that”. “What about the geriatrician you saw just before you left”. This goes on for quite awhile until she finally accepts, AGAIN, that she has Alzheimer’s.

I then point out that the alternative to staying on this trip was going to a nursing home with a room half the size of her caravan and one window. This goes on for quite awhile until she finally accepts, AGAIN, that She would prefer to be on the trip.

I finally get her to agree that she should just let us help her and that she should stop trying to fight and rail against us.

For the rest of the day she was very co-operative. Slept all night. Asked for help and accepted it. Hooray. One day down.

So today we took her on a road trip to Hattah-Kulkyne National Park which she loved. It was a bit of a drive and we got back to Mildura late afternoon. So she wanted to reward me by taking us out for dinner at the pub. ? We already had food that needed to be cooked so she promises tomorrow night will be the Pub. Her shout.

Nana looking at Emus